Winners come in bunches…and so do losers

Difference between Winning and Losing at punting
Many experts, perhaps surprisingly, believe that the single biggest difference between WINNING and LOSING is the psychological approach adopted by most punters.
The fact is most punters indulge in self-destructive behaviour patterns which keep them working and the bookies eating caviar and drinking champagne.
In addition to the natural tendency of people to be motivated by Fear and Greed (refer article Fear and Greed …the Primary Motivators), many punters simply don’t understand that winners and losers are an inevitable part of the punting process.
If they have a bad week, they start to blame the selection method and start to change it. This is simply the natural reaction to the fear and greed that they are feeling.
This article describes how to prepare oneself psychologically to go from thinking like a loser to thinking like a winner.
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